Great new sterilization reversal story.
Hot off of our e-mail, here is one of the great stories that really help us keep moving forward.
I just thought I would share my testimony with you in hopes that it may give others some hope.
My husband and I had a vasectomy after our third child was born (we had 3 under the age of three).
We got pregnant with the third on birth control (we were not convicted yet of bc). Our OB doctor told us that we should not have any more as I have had all c-sections and its not sage to do more than that. So reluctantly we took matters in our own hands without praying about it and had the procedure done.
After the procedure was done we cried and regretted it. We realized we would never have another blessing again. The ache was very heavy in our hearts.
Everyone was sure we did the right thing but us. They said “oh good you finally figured out what causes that” now you can get on with life and not have the burden of more children. We accepted this as the norm even among Christians: Later on we heard of someone who had a vasectomy reversal. I never even heard of such a thing. (I believe our youngest was 3 at the time). Well we could not afford it besides our life was getting easier, no more diapers and I had everything, so I thought. Three children, a part time job. We put it off for another couple years and God just kept prodding our hearts. We finally contacted a doctor and had the procedure done. Now mind you my intention was just to have one more. I had not been yet convicted of contraception yet.
As I searched the scriptures I found NOTHING that glorifies, nor promotes birth control. I saw nowhere in scripture where it said taking charge of our child bearing in our own hands is OK. All I found was TONS of scripture backing up the blessings of children and how we can make disciples for Christ. Oh boy was I ever convicted although I was PETRIFIED to give this over to the Lord!
We got pregnant one month after the reversal. Oh what a joy. Another blessing our way. After our little blessing was born we tried to practice contraception. We felt convicted every time. It was almost like we were not quite one flesh.
Later my husband said “lets just give this over to God” Our baby blessing was about 6 months old at the time. Well he is now 17 months old and I am not pregnant yet and now I desire another blessing if the Lord wills it for our lives. I never thought I would actually be open to more blessings. I feel blessed to be open to all the children he has for us. I hope this may encourage some others who struggled with this issue.
Michelle ******
wife to Paul,
Mommy to Kayla, Timothy, Josiah, and 1st reversal baby Micah