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3) Build a powerful Marriage Preparation Curriculum.


Various organizations have prepared whole marriage preparation curricula that can be used “out of the box” for marriage preparation training. Here are two that we have been able to review and recommend:

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How to take the Theology of the Body  into our hearts and to let this interior transformation reshape our lives.

The Kansas Catholic Conference provides clear, practical help for couples caught up in the potentially disastrous lifestyle of cohabitation.
Freedom: 12 Lives Transformed by the Theology of the Body
Into the Heart: A Journey Through the Theology of the Body (8 DVDs)
Pastoral Letter on Cohabitation Before Marriage
Price: $13.99

Price: $159.95
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Price: $2.00

Humanae Vitae proclaimed the beauty of marital sex unburdened by obstacles opposing fertility. This book explains and defends that teaching.

 The material is presented in 14 short chapters on topics such as meeting men the old-fashioned way, things to consider before committing, and fighting for respect and chastity.

Teaching of the Church in light of our culture regarding sexual behavior.
Sex Au Naturel
How to Get to "I Do"
Humanae Vitae On the Regulation of Birth Pope Paul Vl
Price: $12.95

Price: $14.99

Price: $12.00

Describes the concept of NaproTechnology as a natural technique for solving the problem of infertility while remaining faithful to Catholic social teaching.

What every engaged couple needs to know before they enter into marriage in the Catholic Church.

20 couples, who chose sterilization, tell how they received the grace to get sterilization reversals.
NaProTechnology as an Authentic Treatment for Infertility
When Two Become One
Sterilization Reversal - A Generous Act of Love [PDF] 2003 edition
Price: $8.00

Price: $15.00

Price: $6.00
[this product is electronically distributed]

For those who understand the basics of the Theology of the Body and want to go further, Christopher shows how to take these teachings into our hearts and to let the interior transformation reshape our lives.

Let's be honest, Movies & TV aren't the best place to get ideas about how dating should start and progress.

"Tunnel of Parenthood: The First Five Years." Now that we have emerged from the Tunnel, I have grown more and more convinced that those were indeed the hardest years.
Into the Heart: A Journey Through the Theology of the Body
101 Ways to Build Up Real Love & Show Affection
CODE: P101
The Tunnel of Parenthood Encouragement for the First Five Years of Parenting
Price: $199.95

Price: $0.35

Price: $0.35

Complete new look at Natural Family Planning.  Using artificial contraceptives can damage a relationship and a womems's physical health.

The Infertility Companion for Catholics is the first book to address not only the medical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of infertility, but also the particular needs of Catholic couples who desire to understand and follow Church teaching on the use of assisted reproductive technology.

En términos prácticos, el uso generalizado de la anticoncepción ha llevado directamente a un aumento masivo del divorcio y el aborto. La unión personal y el anhelo de la fertilidad se escriben físicamente en la estructura de las relaciones sexuales, y cancelar uno de estos aspectos daña toda la relación de pareja.

Hay pasos prácticos y que se pueden trabajar para recuperar la vida desbordante que Dios desea para nosotros. La charla de Stephen Patton "Porque Importa la Anticoncepción" esta disponible aqui para que la escuchen gratis! <a href="">Leela!</a>
Life Giving Love - Understanding Chastity In Marriage
The Infertility Companion for Catholics: Spiritual and Practical Support for Couples
Porque importa la Anticoncepcion (mp3)
Price: $19.95

Price: $16.95

Price: $1.00
[this product is electronically distributed]

In compelling, understandable language, the author describes the many ways that Natural Family Planning supports and enhances marriage. For couples who are reluctant to try NFP, he also answers many objections raised by people who are attracted to using contraception.

Brief, high-impact profiles of two young women, one sexually involved with her boyfriend, one deliberately abstinent.

Purity is not Puritanism, nor is it prudishness. Christian purity is the ability to see the mystery of God revealed through the body and sexuality. Purity of heart is the key to human happiness and brings true sexual liberation.
Pure Intimacy
Two Young Women
Purity in an Impure Age
Price: $4.00

Price: $0.35

Price: $24.95

Pages:    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9     Range: