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Books about and promoting Natural Family Planning.

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The insights of Pope John Paul II applied to the issues of marriage, family, contraception, human life, and homosexuality.

John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, presented  in a simple, comprehensive way for young people. This book would be very helpful for educators and youth ministers who teach the Theology of the Body. Each chapter has questions for reflection and Catechism references for further reading.

In Life-Giving Love Kimberly Hahn takes us to God's wonderful plan for the family in the sexual teachings of the Catholic Church. Also in Spanish
The Splendor of Love
God's Plan for You
Life-Giving Love
Price: $16.95

Price: $16.95

Price: $16.99

One More Soul's Marriage Packet is a marriage preparation resource covering commitment, natural family planning, birth control, children, and much more. A great wedding gift. No better gift could be given a young couple than to turn them away from contraception and to the joy of unrestricted self-giving.

Wonderful tools to help a couple achieve what the author calls "infallible loving," and the tremendous benefits of married love as it was meant to be.

Study guide for the Into the Heart series on the Theology of the Body.
Marriage Packet
Holy Sex! A Catholic Guide to Toe-Curling, Mind-Blowing, Infallible Loving
Into the Heart Student Workbook
Price: $18.00

Price: $19.95

Price: $19.95

An illustrated how-to manual of the Ovulation Method of fertility awareness, complete with charts and other helpful materials. The female fertility cycle is compared to the plant growth cycle, and simple, direct instructions are given for achieving or postponing pregnancy.

Provee lo que los padres necesitan saber para criar a sus hijos saludables

Leader's guide for the Into the Heart series on the Theology of the Body.
Love and Fertility - book & chart
Amor y Familia: Formacion de nuestros hijos en adultos responsables
Into the Heart Leader's Guide
Price: $20.00

Price: $23.95

Price: $24.95

Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later contains Janet E. Smith's analysis of the arguments for and against Catholic Sexual teaching drawing strongly on Humanae Vitae.

A new critical translation of Pope John Paul II’s great work on the Theology of the Body, complete with a new introduction and new footnotes.

Dr. Evelyn Billings, with her husband, John, refined the Ovulation Method now used all over the world. In this book she describes in detail how to use the Billings method and its scientific basis. Today there are over a million copies in print in 22 languages.
Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later
Man and Woman He Created Them, Theology of the Body
The Billings Method
Price: $29.95

Price: $29.95

Price: $35.00

Este es el manual de la LPP que explica cόmo utilizar el Método Sintotérmico de  PNF. Esta nueva edición está hecha en un formato de letra grande que resulta más fácil de leer y entender. Contiene información ampliada sobre la lactancia ecológica y el regreso de la fertilidad después del parto. Incluye el Manual de Aplicaciones Prácticas.
320 páginas
El Arte de la Planificacion Natural de la Familia
Price: $50.00

Pages:    1   2     Range: