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Marriage and Family Life

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A Civilization of Love is made of the strong, loving families that form a healthy society. These families spring from the love of the spouses. Acting as co-creators with God, they re-create society by bringing up strong loving children. In our work to restore our culture in the image of God, it all starts with marriage. February 7-14 is National Marriage Week! This is a great opportunity to focus on building a culture of life and love.

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How to find love that is Free, Faithful, Total, and Fruitful.

Los obispos de los E.E.U.U. explican cómo es el plan de Dios para el amor matrimonial, " es más rico y más satisfactorio" que el enfoque general tomado por nuestra cultura.

Practically speaking, widespread use of contraception has led directly to massive increases of divorce and abortion. Personal union and yearning for fertility are written physically into the structure of sexual relations, and shutting down one of these aspects hurts the whole relationship.There are practical, workable steps we can take to regain the overflowing life that God desires for us.
True Love. . . How Will I Know? CD
El amor matrimonial
Why Contraception Matters
Price: $2.00

Price: $2.00

Price: $2.00

Bishop Cordelione contrasts secular and sacred teachings on love, sexuality and chastity, clearly showing how one trumps the other.

The Kansas Catholic Conference provides clear, practical help for couples caught up in the potentially disastrous lifestyle of cohabitation.

En términos prácticos, el uso generalizado de los anticonceptivos ha llevado directamente a un aumento masivo del divorcio y el aborto. La unión intima y el anhelo de fertilidad se escriben físicamente en la estructura de las relaciones sexuales, y al eliminar uno de estos aspectos se afecta la relación matrimonial.
The Spirituality of Responsible Parenthood
Pastoral Letter on Cohabitation Before Marriage
Porque importa la Anticoncepcion
Price: $2.00

Price: $2.00

Price: $2.00

A simple and very effective guide for celebrating the Annunciation and Incarnation of the Lord.

La Pareja Perfecta Esta pareja tenia salud, un salario de seis cifras, una hermosa casa, dos hijos maravillosos, y una vasectomia. En pocas palabras se sentian miserables.  En esta radio novelo usted descubrira como esta pareja con la gracia de Dios encuentra la sanidad, la plenitudy y la verdadera felicidad.
Milagros es la historia de una pareja que busca ayuda para lograr su anhelo de ser padres.  Despues de un camino de dolor e incertidumbre al no encontrar una solucion afectiva y moralmente aceptable, su fe y esperanza los llevan a recibir mas de un milagro.

Celebrating the Annunciation and Incarnation of Jesus
La Pareja Perfecta & Milagros
Reaching the Cafeteria Catholic - set
Price: $2.00

Price: $2.00

Price: $2.50

Archbishop Naumann explains how what is called free love isn't real or free and certainly isn't love. Real love, however, is not only possible, but  is God's greatest desire for us!

Charts for use with the Ovulation Method of Natural Plannning

La profética  encíclica de 1968 que llamó a la Iglesia para vivir la visión completa de Dios para la vida familiar.
Life Overflowing
Love and Fertility Chart small
Humanae Vitae
Price: $2.50

Price: $2.95
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Price: $2.95

 A complete breast cancer prevention guide, a vital tool for every woman's health.

A great study aid for the great encyclical Humanae Vitae

Pope Benedict XVI  helps us focus anew on what life is all about, by showing us how divine love works in our world. This is a key we all can use for unlocking the problems of our time.
Breast Cancer Risks and Prevention
Catechism on Humanae Vitae
God is Love
Price: $3.00

Price: $3.00

Price: $3.95

The story of St Gianna Berretta Molla, a modern-day wife, mother, and physician, who fully engaged her faith in her medical practice. In 1962 she faced the agonizing choice between saving her own life and that of her unborn child, and chose to save her child. She is a wonderful reminder that saints still walk among us.

In compelling, understandable language, the author describes the many ways that Natural Family Planning supports and enhances marriage. For couples who are reluctant to try NFP, he also answers many objections raised by people who are attracted to using contraception.

unanimous Christian rejection of contraception broke down in 1930, leading to the disastrous sexual revolution
No Greater Love
Pure Intimacy
Birth Control and Christian Discipleship
Price: $3.95

Price: $4.00

Price: $4.50

Pages:    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10     Range: