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Educational resources fostering God's plan for love, marriage, and procreation. Teaching the world about the blessings of children, the value of chastity, and the harms of contraception.

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How to take the Theology of the Body  into our hearts and to let this interior transformation reshape our lives.

Este es el manual de la LPP que explica cόmo utilizar el Método Sintotérmico de  PNF. Esta nueva edición está hecha en un formato de letra grande que resulta más fácil de leer y entender. Contiene información ampliada sobre la lactancia ecológica y el regreso de la fertilidad después del parto. Incluye el Manual de Aplicaciones Prácticas.
320 páginas

A compilation of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, psychology and other information useful for the practice of NaproTechnology.
Into the Heart: A Journey Through the Theology of the Body (8 DVDs)
El Arte de la Planificacion Natural de la Familia
Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology
Price: $159.95
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Price: $50.00

Price: $49.95

Dr. Evelyn Billings, with her husband, John, refined the Ovulation Method now used all over the world. In this book she describes in detail how to use the Billings method and its scientific basis. Today there are over a million copies in print in 22 languages.

Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later contains Janet E. Smith's analysis of the arguments for and against Catholic Sexual teaching drawing strongly on Humanae Vitae.

A new critical translation of Pope John Paul II’s great work on the Theology of the Body, complete with a new introduction and new footnotes.
The Billings Method
Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later
Man and Woman He Created Them, Theology of the Body
Price: $35.00

Price: $29.95

Price: $29.95

Young people today must have a compelling reason to commit to sexual abstinence. Nationally known speaker Pam Stenzel provides many such reasons. She outlines the consequences of sex outside of marriage, and teaches teens social skills for avoiding the trap of uncommitted sex.

In these talks Christopher West demonstrates how all the “tough issues” of Catholic teaching on marriage and sexuality can be proclaimed in a way that not only makes sense, but demonstrates the beauty of God’s plan for sexuality and the joy of living it. A must-have presentation for every priest looking to explain and defend the Church’s teaching on marriage and sexuality in a compelling way.

Sex Still Has a Price Tag DVD
Proclaiming The Theology of the Body (4 CDs)
One More Soul maternity embroidered T-shirt
Price: $29.95

Price: $29.95

Price: $25.00

Leader's guide for the Into the Heart series on the Theology of the Body.

Provee lo que los padres necesitan saber para criar a sus hijos saludables

An illustrated how-to manual of the Ovulation Method of fertility awareness, complete with charts and other helpful materials. The female fertility cycle is compared to the plant growth cycle, and simple, direct instructions are given for achieving or postponing pregnancy.
Into the Heart Leader's Guide
Amor y Familia: Formacion de nuestros hijos en adultos responsables
Love and Fertility - book & chart
Price: $24.95

Price: $23.95

Price: $20.00

A collection Marie's 4 cds of songs highlighting the extraordinary goodness of ordinary life in a family. Marie uses music, insight, poetry, and song to invite us away from the empty promises the world offers into a life full of what really matters.

"Hear the Story unfold as Science finds: Blood & Flesh, Human DNA, Heart Muscle and White Blood Cells, all in a Bleeding Consecrated Host as the Truth of the Eucharist is revealed by Science! Yet science cannot produce a detailed DNA profile from not only the Host but also from a bleeding statue of Christ. These intriguing and very extraordinary scientific findings are presented in detail in this DVD by compelling and thought provoking witnesses to their faith".

Teachings from John Paul II, Edith Stein, Archbishop Charles Chaput, and others communicate effectively with post-abortive women and others who have been harmed by the culture of death.
Marie Bellet Collection (4 CDs)
Science Tests Faith DVD
A Practical Application of JP II's Theoloy of the Body (DVD)
Price: $20.00

Price: $20.00

Price: $19.95

The struggles in the area of sexual purity and lust that many men face on a regular basis, with solid grounds for hope and victory.

A positive, compelling, and dynamic chastity presentation for teens by Jason and Crystalina Evert.

Wonderful tools to help a couple achieve what the author calls "infallible loving," and the tremendous benefits of married love as it was meant to be.
Winning the Battle for Sexual Purity
Romance Without Regret (public school version)- DVD
Holy Sex! A Catholic Guide to Toe-Curling, Mind-Blowing, Infallible Loving
Price: $19.95
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Price: $19.95

Price: $19.95

Pages:    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10     Range: