Directory Info
We offer this Directory as a resource to women and couples who seek physicians practicing medicine in accord with traditional Christian principles. The physicians listed in this directory do not prescribe, perform, or refer for contraception, sterilization, abortion, or in vitro fertilization.
In order to be able to confidently refer individuals or couples to physicians who subscribe to these values, we ask physicians to complete our online survey detailing their stance on issues of contraception, sterilization and abortion. Those physicians who qualify, and who gave us permission to use their names are included in this Directory.
When we began seeking names for this Directory, we planned to include only Obstetricians and Gynecologists (OB/GYNs) but soon realized that many other medical professionals play crucial roles in medical care of fertility. Many of these also sent us surveys. This seemed to be the answer to our prayers and we hope to yours.
In the midst of this project we discovered a growing number of couples who, after having been surgically sterilized, came to appreciate the important role of fertility in their marriage. Many of these couples would like to change what they now see as a mistake, yet find there are obstacles to getting a reversal. We have now added questions about sterilization reversals to our survey, and we have a list of sterilization reversal doctors available for men and women.
As the Directory has grown and developed, we have included physicians of other specialties who support the moral values we wish to promote, and even added listings for Natural Family Planning Teachers and Centers. If you are a NFP teacher and would like to be added to the list please use our NFP instructor submission form. As time goes many more physicians will be added. If you know of someone who may meet our criteria, please contact them and ask them to fill out our physician survey.
If the physician or specialist you need is not listed near you, contact another physician, NFP teacher, or NFP center in your area for a recommendation. You might be instrumental in helping the recommended physician convert to full NFP-Only status.
Our hope and prayer is that this Directory will help many many people find the life affirming resources they need to manage their fertility in a truly human and healthful manner.