Professor Janet Smith’s Classic Presentation, Contraception: Why Not, was recorded in May 1994, at a Catholic Physicians Guild Meeting at The Pontifical College Josephinum, Columbus, Ohio. 

In this powerful presentation, Professor Smith challenges America to rethink its contraceptive mindset. She covers the blessings of having children, the harms of contraception, and the benefits of Natural Family Planning.

Over a million copies of the original tape and CDs of this talk have been distributed and used in Pre-Cana presentations, high schools, seminaries, and universities around the world.

Even though this great talk was recorded three decades ago, it is NOT outdated, it is even more important than ever. The truth about contraception in CWN has endured the passage of time. 

Listen FREE in PodBean:

Contraception: Why Not – Free Digital Download – Janet E. Smith, PhD ( is the most recent version of the talk.

Prof Smith’s talks and publications can be found on her website: