Emily’s Hope


A well-written, hard to put down novel about one woman’s journey toward discovering the beauty of God’s plan for love, marriage, and children.

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This novel tells the intertwining stories of the lives of Emily Greer and her great-grandmother Katherine. Well-written and hard to put down, those who have struggled with the Church’s teaching on chastity, particularly NFP, will find much to relate to in this novel. While the book is definitely about NFP, it is also about much, much more. It is about the love of husbands and wives, the love of parents for their children, and the agonizing moral choices we sometimes face. It is also about real people—not perfect people but ones who are trying—and about being witnesses to a culture of life in a world shadowed by the culture of death. Emily’s Hope won an Honorable Mention Award in Religious Fiction.

Additional information

Weight 1.12 lbs