A thankful mother
Here is another story we got on e-mail, too good to keep to ourselves.
My husband and I converted to Catholicism in 1995. We fell away for a short period of time during which we separated and decided that he would have a vasectomy (we had three children at the time). We came back to God after a hellish year away and knew we’d committed a grave sin and had to make it right.
The cost for the surgery and hospital was going to be close to ten thousand dollars!!! Through prayer and sacrifice and Dr.’s willing to do God’s will, my husband had a reversal for $2500!
A year before the surgery I had confided in a good friend and she told me to read a book about St. Philomena and pray a novena. I did. One year later, on St. Philomena’s feast day my husband had the surgery. About three months later, I conceived. My due date? St. Philomena’s feast day!! Joseph Brendan couldn’t wait though, and was born on July 25th. We’re now expecting again.
The Dr. who performed my husband’s surgery had told him not to get his hopes up, as there was a slight complication during the surgery. Proof that God is bigger than anything, even surgical complications, even seemingly insurmountable financial restrictions. We have four children ( 12, 10, 6, and 1 ) and one on the way. DEO GRACIAS!
Thanks Be To God…In His Angels and In His Saints!
In Our Blessed Mother!
A Thankful Mother in NY