New Hope
I had sterilization surgery at the age of 31. My husband and I had decided that our family was complete as we had two beautiful children already. Several years later through God’s callings, we began to develop a fuller understanding of our Catholic faith. I went and confessed our mistake of sterilization to our priest and was asked to consider having a reversal done. Your site and publications were extremely valuable to us at that time. My husband and I realized pretty quickly that we only had selfish reasons to not go through with the repair surgery and I had a successful repair done at the age of 36.
My husband and I grew much closer after the surgery. We initially were excited about the prospect of adding to our family and soon found out that may not be possible as I no longer seemed to be ovulating. With the realization that we may not be able to conceive, we were still very happy about our decision to have the surgery and to be living the true Catholic faith.
Two weeks ago (1.5 years after my reversal) I was told I am pregnant. In the same week, my husband was offered a new job with a large salary increase which will allow me to cut back on my work hours to take care of a little one. God is truly amazing, and I think HE has a glorious plan for all of us that take time to listen.
I hope you can share our story with others who may be either considering sterilization or considering reversal.