Nothing is impossible
We had a vasectomy while I was pregnant with our fourth child, with apparently no thought about what we might think if something went wrong with the pregnancy or birth. We thought our ability to prevent further pregnancies was out of our control — which of course it was, it’s in God’s control, of course. As we became more involved with the Church we realized that what we had done was a mortal sin, and that we should reverse it if it was at all possible. We found the money — it was more reasonable that we had thought, though still quite expensive — and had the surgery. We thought the reversal would right a wrong, even if God didn’t send us another child. However, two years after the reversal, and when we were both 40 years old, God did send a wonderful blessing to our family — a healthy baby boy. We don’t expect we will be given any more blessings like that, but just remember, nothing is impossible with God.