We need help!!!
My husband Dave and I got married Dec. 28, 2001. We had a little girl together. About a year later we were having marital problems and, without praying, Dave decided to get sterilized. I have always wanted more children; at one point he didn’t. We made it through the hard times and we are still together, We love each other so much and our faith in Jesus has grown too. We both regret the decision of having no more children. It breaks my heart realizing I may never carry another baby again. It is so expensive to get a reversal, so we ask if you may know of a place that helps to pay for a reversal? It is our dream to have another child and we know if God wants us to have another child we will. That’s why I believe someone, a stranger I was talking to, gave me your site.
Thanks for your time and God bless your mission.
OMS Response:
Hi, Amanda!
At One More Soul we keep a list of doctors who don’t get involved with contraception, abortion, sterilization, or in vitro fertilization. People like having a doctor of this sort who won’t pressure them to harm their fertility. Some of these doctors are able and willing to repair vasectomies. Because of their special attitude toward fertility, these doctors sometimes charge much less than what a typical doctor would for the same job. Dr. Daniel in North Carolina and Dr. Leverett in Texas have even created surgical facilities of their own, which allows the surgery to be done on an outpatient basis, which is also cheaper. The list of vasectomy reversal doctors is at http://www.omsoul.com/nfpbyspeccat.php?catid=srmen.
Also, I would like to put your story on our page of sterilization reversal stories, but I want to double check with you if this is OK. Also, do you want your own names to be used or should I change them for more privacy? Please let me know.
Thanks for getting in touch, and God bless you both!