Archive for May, 2012

Mandate Busting Resources

Welcome to One More Soul’s “Mandate Busting Resources” store.  We believe that these resources will help you challenge the government’s mandated coverage of contraception, abortifacients, and sterilization by all “health” insurance plans. (more…)

PROLIFE ACTIVISM has paid off- Pepsi stops using Fetal Cells Lines to test flavors

by Steven Ertelt

After months of pro-life protests and opposition, PepsiCo has indicated it will alter its contract with biotech firm Senomyx Inc., which uses cells from a baby killed in an abortion to conduct flavor testing.

The second-largest beverage company in the world contracted with the firm in a $30 million deal in August 2010 and once Debi Vinnedge of the pro-life group Children of God for Life uncovered the connection, numerous pro-life groups, including LifeNews, joined together to promote a boycott of Pepsi until it ends the Senomyx contract.

Vinnedge informed LifeNews today of Pepsi’s decision and hailed it as a major breakthrough and achievement by thousands of concerned consumers who have been writing and boycotting PepsiCo beverages since last May. (more…)

Autism, traffic, and unstudied vaccine components

by Matthew Hanley

Back in November, the Wall Street Journal featured a prominent article with the following headline: “The Hidden Toll of Traffic Jams; Scientists Increasingly Link Vehicle Exhaust With Brain-Cell Damage, Higher Rates of Autism”. It was careful to point out that current evidence is circumstantial; no one is certain about such a connection between traffic, exhaust, brain-cell damage and autism. After all, vehicles today put out far, far less pollution than those operating decades ago, when autism rates were far, far lower.


Porque Importa la Anticoncepción

Por Stephen Patton

Traducido por: Lydia Mendez y Liliana Cote de Bejarano

Grabado en los estudios de SEMACOM Foundation

Voces: Padre Antonio La Roca y Daniel Bejarano



Saludos. Soy el obispo Víctor Galeone de la Diócesis de San Agustín en la Florida.  A continuación usted
oirá  una presentación maravillosa por Steve Patton, el director de la oficina de Vida Familiar. Steve explica claramente por qué la sabiduría para todos los tiempos de la Iglesia que trata del amor conyugal trae mucha alegría a las parejas casadas y una profunda satisfacción para los sacerdotes que les sirven. Tenga cuidado, sin embargo, este mensaje podría tener un impacto duradero para bien en su vida. Disfrute de la presentación.


Stephen Patton:

Buenas tardes. (more…)