Abby Johnson Tells GOP Convention the Reality of Abortion: The Baby “Fought Back, Desperate to Move”

Pro-life activist Abby Johnson discussed her experience working at Planned Parenthood at the Republican National Convention Tuesday night, saying that her experiences with the nation’s largest abortion provider are why she advocates “so passionately for life.”

Johnson said Planned Parenthood approached her at a volunteer fair and convinced her to volunteer for the organization by talking about “helping women in crisis and their commitment to keep abortion safe, legal, and rare.” She began working for the organization, she said, and received Planned Parenthood’s employee of the year award.

“My supervisor assigned me a new quota to meet… an abortion quota,” she said. “I was expected to sell double the abortions performed the previous year. When I pushed back, underscoring Planned Parenthood’s public facing goal of decreasing abortions, I was reprimanded and told abortion is how we make our money.”

“But the tipping point came a month later when a physician asked me to assist with an ultrasound-guided abortion,” she continued. “Nothing prepared me for what I saw on the screen. An unborn baby fighting back, desperate to move away from the suction.”

Johnson said that she will “never forget” the doctor joking, “Beam me up, Scotty.”

“The last thing I saw was a spine twirling around in the mother’s womb before succumbing to the force of the suction,” Johnson said. The incident happened in August, she noted, and she left the clinic in October. Johnson says that she only looks back on her experiences there “to remember why I now advocate so passionately for life.”

“For me, abortion is real,” she continued. “I know what it sounds like. I know what abortion smells like.”

“Did you know abortion even had a smell?” Johnson asked the audience.

The pro-life activist said that she now supports President Donald Trump because “he has done more for the unborn than any other president.”

“During his first month in office, he banned federal funds for global health groups that promote abortion,” Johnson said. “That same year, he overturned an Obama-Biden rule that allowed government subsidy of abortion. He appointed a record number of pro-life judges, including two Supreme Court justices. And importantly, he announced a new rule protecting the rights of healthcare workers objecting to abortion, many of whom I work with every day.”

“This election is a choice between two radical, anti-life activists, and the most pro-life President we’ve ever had,” she concluded, urging viewers to take action and vote to re-elect Trump.

“And do it with our very most vulnerable Americans in mind – the ones who haven’t been born yet,” she added.


LifeNews Note: Mary Margaret Olohan writes for Daily Caller. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience.

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