American Heart Month

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February is “American Heart Month”. The campaign is designed to raise awareness about risks factors for heart disease and stroke and how to stay “heart healthy” for yourself and your loved ones.

The campaign mentions cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, smoking, obesity and sedentary lifestyle, but little or no emphasis is given to an important preventable risk factor for heart disease: the use of hormonal birth control.
Recent research studies indicate that hormones in birth control are linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and strokes. Although the risk of heart attack is rare in young women, the use of birth control doubles the risk. Women younger than 35 years who smoke and use birth control hormones have a 10-fold increased risk of heart attack. The risk is much higher for women over 35 years.1 One study found that women who smoked more than 15 cigarettes a day and used oral contraceptives had an increased risk of dying from heart disease.2

Researchers have analyzed the risk of heart attack among women who use oral contraceptives and have additional risk factors.  They found that the risk of heart attack increased 6.1 times for oral contraceptive users suffering hypertension, 13.6 times for smokers, 17.4 times for diabetics, 24.7 times for oral contraceptive users who have high cholesterol.3
You can spread this message to your family, friends, and colleagues. See our info graphics and share them on Facebook, Twitter, or your favorite social network. Tell us if you or someone you know has suffered heart disease while using birth control pills. This testimony could help your friend, sister, cousin or somebody else to save their life.





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